Our Mission

Over the last century, and the past several decades in particular, there has been an increased secularization of the modern education system. Coram Deo Classical School seeks to return to a method of education that has produced many of the great men and women of history. 

  • An Integrated Curriculum
  • Unapologetically Traditional
  • Governed by Theology
  • Christ Centered
  • Committed to the Church
  • Academically Excellent

Our Mission

Our mission at Coram Deo Classical School is to provide a high-quality, classical, Christian education that is rigorous yet joyful.  To assist parents in their children’s education academically and formatively. To help students seek the Lord in all they do and instilling good habits that are oriented towards what is good, true and beautiful with the Bible as our authority. To see God in all subjects and to better understand the world around them. To live life, ‘coram deo’, before the face of God.

Our Distinctives

It is our conviction that God’s Word, the Bible, is inspired, inerrant, sufficient and authoritative. This conviction drives us to shape our educational philosophy solely on the basis of what God’s Word has to say about a subject instead of what the current trend may be. Our belief that all of life’s questions can be answered by the truth found in the Bible causes us to carefully study Scripture in light of its context and history. A high view of God leads us to vividly see our own sinfulness and our ultimate dependence on Him. We rely on God to provide us with a way to be found favorable in His sight, which He provided through the death of His son, Jesus Christ.