Tuition & Fees
Registration Fees
New Students
$250 per student
Returning Students
$200 per student
Tuition Breakdown
Grade | Tuition | Days |
K | $2,772.00 | Tue/Wed |
1st-2nd | $2,884.00 | Tue/Wed |
3rd-7th | $3,502.00 | Tue/Wed |
8th* | $4,089.00 | Tue/Wed/Thu |
HS class(1 day) | $746.75 | Tue or Wed |
HS class(2 day) | $824.00 | Tue or Wed AND Thu |
AP Classes | $1,030.00 | Tue or Wed AND Thu |
Textbooks are NOT included in the price of tuition. Parents will agree to supply all necessary books for each class.
HS classes (1 day)
Some high school classes are offered only one day per week. Those classes include:
- 9th Grade Literature
- American Literature
- Ancient History
- Apologetics
- Art History
- Astronomy
- British Literature
- German 3
- Greek 1
- Greek 2
- Government(Fall)/Economics(Spring)
- Logic(Fall)/Rhetoric(Spring)
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- PE(Fall)/Health(Spring)
- Philosophy
HS classes (2 day)
Some high school classes are offered two days per week to allow ample time for instruction and labs. Those classes include:
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Anatomy & Physiology(offered every other year)
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- European History
- Geometry
- German 1
- German 2
- Latin 1
- Latin 2
- Modern History
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Precalculus
Monthly Payments
Although tuition is annual, payments may be divided into 10 equal monthly installments with the first payment due April 1st. Monthly payments are always due the first of the month and are late after the 15th. The tenth payment will be due Jan 1st. Tuition is late if it has not been received by the school on or before the 15th of the month. Tuition not received on time will automatically incur a late fee of $25. If you know your payment will be late, please make sure to add this fee to your payment.
Siblings Discount
We offer discounts for families with more than two full time students* in our school. This discount applies to tuition only.
- First child and second child – full price
- Third child – 15% discount on the third child
- Fourth child or more– 20% discount on the fourth child…
*full-time students must meet a required amount of classes taken at Coram Deo
Full Payments
For those who pay tuition in full by August 1st, a 5% discount will be given.
Registration fees are not refundable unless your child is not accepted. Tuition paid is non-refundable. You are obligated to pay the entire year’s tuition, even if you leave the program mid-year. However, tuition paid in full may be refunded in the event of a job transfer or similar circumstance as determined by the CDCS Board. If approved, tuition that was paid in full will refunded at a prorated amount.